Welcome to the Connect to Comprehension Training Course!
This set of six sessions will provide you with all of the information you need to implement this powerful intervention program successfully.
At the end of this course, you will...
Learn how the curriculum components are aligned to research.
You will confidently be able to conduct an individual diagnostic assessment to determine each student’s specific skills, as well as compile assessment information into a comprehensive Student Profile.
Organize your materials with success and ease so you can focus on teaching.
See how to assemble and use the 3 practice decks. You'll also get your manuals, texts, and manipulative strips organized with visuals from how other teachers have organized their materials.
Be able to plan and implement your lessons effectively with guided practice and modeling.
You won't have to figure everything out on your own! Watch a demonstration lesson to learn about each part in depth, a break down of lesson components, and a checklist to guide you in your own lesson.
What will you be learning in this training?
Background and Goals
In this session you will learn about the background and development of the C to C program, the goals of the program for both students and teachers, and the materials you will need to participate in the course.
Diagnostic Assessments
In this session you will learn about the unique C to C diagnostic assessments, including the purposes of each assessment, and the materials needed to prepare for administering. You will watch and listen to a sample assessment session and learn how to score each of the assessments and how to compile this diagnostic data for a Student Profile that will set the course for your instruction.
Effectiveness & Active Student Engagement
This session focuses on the research findings that support each of the components in the program. You will have an opportunity to examine student data from an actual C to C implementation.
You will also learn about a critical aspect of the program, the three C to C practice decks, including the purposes of each deck and the locations for words for the building of each deck. You’ll explore a variety of ways to provide interactive, motivating activities for teaching and practicing each of the decks with students.
Materials & Strategies
In this session, we will “unpack” the components of the program as we look at the Implementation Guide, the six Teacher Manuals, and the box of Fluency/Sequencing/Beginning, Middle, Ending Strips. You will use an accompanying Components Chart as a guide as we look at examples of each component in the program, including Skill Focus, Making Connections, Vocabulary Extension, and Guided and Independent Writing Extensions. You will also learn about the specific vocabulary and comprehension skills and strategies included at each level and about the paired informational texts that are included within the manuals.
Organizing Your Materials
This is a very practical session which focuses on ways to organize your materials and to plan for an effective C to C teaching session. You will see visuals of the ways in which real teachers organized their materials and discuss the advantages of each.
Connect to Comprehension in Action
This session provides you with a video of a real C to C implementation session. We’ll watch the video and then discuss the elements of effective instruction included, using a checklist that can later serve as your own self-assessment.
What are other educators saying?
"The virtual training was engaging, interactive, well organized , and practical. "
"Participating teachers left excited and confident about implementing Connect to Comprehension with fidelity. Our teachers loved the practical tips Lynn shared to organize and prepare their materials. Many teachers commented that they couldn't wait to begin using it in their classrooms.
Professional development is essential to successful implementation. Lynn's knowledge of effective reading instruction, and her ability to convey that will have a strong impact on reading instruction in our schools. Professional development is essential to successful implementation."
- Patricia, Professional Development Specialist, FL